Mr. Love @ISM

MYP Tech Criteria (simple version)

MYP Tech Criteria
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This is not official - you should always refer to the official MYP Tech Criteria in the end, it is only meant to help with understanding the Tech. criteria, especially for grades 6-9

Criterion A


- are there a variety of appropriate sources (at least 4)?

- is the importance-relevance described?

- is there a description of the problem?

- is there a test described to make sure you are doing well? 

Grade /6


Criterion B


- more than a few designs described and explained?

- each design evaluated? 

- one chosen design + fully (critically) evaluated? 

Grade /6


Criterion C


-       a number of detailed logical steps?

-       mention of resources?

-       Mention of time-timeline?

-       Critically evaluate your plan?

-       Changes?  Justification for changes?

Grade /6


Criterion D


- did you competently use the computer and techniques show you in class

- did you try new techniques, push yourself further?

- did you basically follow your plan?

- did you justify the changes-modifications you made?

- is your end product of good appropriate quality?

 (This grade usually comes from the actual product)

Grade /6


Criterion E


-       did you evaluate your work in an objective manner

-       did you use your planned testing to help with your evaluation?

-       did you take into account the views of the intended users?

-       did you look at each stage of the design cycle, evaluate yourself at each stage, and suggest improvements?

-       did you evaluate the impacts of the product on life-society and-or the environment?

Grade /6


Criterion F


- do you satisfactorily show a consistent effort in the following two aspects …

·                     personal engagement (motivation, independence, general positive attitude)

·                     attitudes towards safety, cooperation and respect for others

Grade /6



I hope this helps!

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