Mr. Love @ISM

Airline Database
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ITGS Exercise - Airline booking system comparison

1.       Evaluate the database design and

a.       visit the following sites

b.       Test out the airlines database for return flights for each option below:

    i)      local - within Finland

    ii)     popular - between Helsinki and Europe (i.e. London, Amsterdam and Frankfurht) and

    iii)    rare - between Helsinki and South Africa, Central America or South America (Brazil, Chile, etc)

c.       In your notebooks, make a table listing similarities and differences with respect to (5 marks)

    i)     route

    ii)    dates

    iii)   cheapest price

    iv)   shortest routing (time)

    v)    types of passengers capable of booking (i.e. adults, seniors, children, infants)

d.       Write a paragraph in your notebook arguing which design is better than the other. (5 marks)

e.    Identify 3 social issues that impact society due to these systems? (6 marks)


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