ITGS Section III : Areas of Impact
The topics given under each area are provided as examples only.
3.1 Business and Employment
Transportation: reservation systems,
luggage processing, navigation, scheduling and distribution, traffic simulation, smart roads and cars, fuel efficiency
and traffic safety systems
Employment: electronic employee
monitoring, telecommuting, ergonomics and health, job obselescence and retraining, online job search, employee surveillance
Banking and finance: EFT, ATM's,
Internet banking and brokerage, electronic cash, insurance
International commerce: management
of transnational corporations, business concentration
E-commerce: teleshopping, online
marketing, data mining, spyware
Retailing: advertising, media
3.2 Education
Telelearning: isolated and remote
areas; use in hospitals, prisons, retirement homes
Modification of hardware and software
for special needs: voice recognition software, text-to-speech, special input and output devices, Internet resources
School library systems: catalogues,
security systems, online research
Hardware in the classroom: laptops,
notebooks, teleconferencing
Software in school administration:
record keeping, scheduling, Intranets, public information
3.4 Arts, entertainment and leisure
Digital art: electronic music,
interactive visual art, desktop publishing
Film: digital actor simulations,
characters and animation
Live arts: digital effects, choreography,
lighting, marketing
New media: DVD, CD, VCD, stereolithography
Virtual reality (VR) and virtual
reality games
Broadcast media: digital radio
and television, electronic news and internet radio and video
and we do a little
of ...
3.6 Politics and Government
Political process: voting and
elections, lobbying, open government and free movement of information
Government administration: record
keeping, tax collection, policy implementation
Legislation: policy development,
enactment, enforcement adn analysis
Police: DNA data collection, video
Military: cyberwarfare, smart
weapons development, espionage
Rebel and Terrorist Use of IT