Just remember RESPECT and the I.B.
World Learner student attributes
( Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective,
Accomplished, Committed)
come to class on time
come to class prepared
come to class prepared to work hard
no food or drinks please, except
treat your fellow classmates, computers
and teachers with respect
You are to bring your binder with a pencil or pen to every class
Save work regularly … and BACKUP your
work in a couple of places
I do not accept late assignments without penalty
10% off for the first day late
10% more for the second day
An automatic zero thereafter
GRADING (Middle Years Technology Program
Assessment Criteria)
Create a Product or Solution
Personal Engagement and Independence
Technology is a five-year program consisting of an integrated general computer
and design technology curriculum.
The goal of the program is to integrate technology learning as much as
possible with their other school work and classes– and to prepare students with
the necessary skills for working with varied technology in the future.
Topics to Be Addressed
(Approximate Timeline)
Quarter 1:
Unit Project: ‘Transition
Unit’ – How can you explain the MYP Design
Cycle to the Arusha ISM
Community? Also … Intro. Questionnaire,
Good/Bad of Technology, Typing test, review basics of computer use, basics of
networks, computers in Tanzania, review hardware and software – poster of
differences/similarities, effective multi-media presentations – ‘My Life’
slideshow assignment, intro. graphics software basics … play with pictures
Quarter 2:
Project: ‘Interactive
Educational Game Unit’ – What IT Product can be
created to help with the
transition of P6 to M1? Also … safety/security
computers, scale maps/floorplans on spreadsheets, graphics basics, CD lesson –
Application software
Quarter 3:
Project: ‘Child Toy
Unit’ – How can you make an educational child’s
toy using a resistant material? Also … web
research, internet
vocabulary, basic trouble-shooting with computers, video / discussion on
Google, advanced work processing skills, more graphics tools, calculations in spreadsheets
*area calculations*
Quarter 4:
Project: ‘Fashion Unit’
– How do Textiles celebrate a given aspect of a culture? Also … continuous work with
keyboarding skills, computer etiquette – articles, careers in Information
Technology – ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ assignment