Database Types - Section 2.2.2
Summarize in your own words the similarities and the differences between these two types of databases.
(5 points for each section - so graded out of 10 points total)
this YouTube video might also help you with an introduction to Databases (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjh2HhPqRaA)
also ...
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Databases + Spreadsheets 2.2.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 7
Create Your Own Database - Section 2.2.2
Using Access, design a simple DB with a minimum of 3 linked tables, 2 forms and 1 report.
Database Design Exercise 2.2.2
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Databases + Spreadsheets 2.2.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 7
Spreadsheet Modeling - Section 2.2.2
1. DCS Spreadsheet
Notes video on TeacherTube ... http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=196988c2d5d13fa8ca93
Watch this video on your own ... and then answer the questions X 3
2. Student computer ratio modeling exercise using a spreadsheet
Spreadsheet Modeling
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Databases + Spreadsheets 2.2.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 5
Spreadsheet Definitions - Section 2.2.2
Visit the following sites for examples of programmed spreadsheets.
Check each one out for 5 minutes or so ... then ...
- summarize purpose-function of each one (2 pts.)
- give your opinion about the usefulness of each (2 pts.)
Total : 4 pts.
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Databases + Spreadsheets 2.2.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 5
Key Terms for Word Processing and Desktop Publishing - Section 2.2.3
Key Terms for W.P. and DesktopPub.
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Word Processing + Desktop Publishing 2.2.3
Computer Confluence Chapter 5
Speech Recognition - Section 2.2.3
Speech Recognition exercise
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Word Processing + Desktop Publishing 2.2.3
Computer Confluence Chapter 5
Scanners and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - Section 2.2.3
Scanners and O.C.R.
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Word Processing + Desktop Publishing 2.2.3
Computer Confluence Chapter 5
Tutorials, Training and Wizards Powerpoint ...
Click here for details
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Tutorials, Training and Wizards 2.2.6
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
Computer Aided Learning - Section 2.2.6
Computer Aided Learning
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
Read packet, discussion, ideas, journals
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
'Virtual Reality' - Section 2.2.4
Virtual Reality
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Images, Sounds, Presentations 2.2.4
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
Follow this tutorial with Mr. Love ...
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
'Models' - Section 2.2.5
Models are useful in predicting how systems will react under different conditions
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Modelling, Simulations 2.2.5
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
More on Databases - part II
Continue to follow this tutorial with Mr. Love ...
Computer Confluence Chapter 6
Ski Week! Enjoy your Winter Holiday
Website Criteria - Section 2.3.1
View the lessons on the text CD (Ch.9 - Inside the Internet and the World Wide Web - Lessons
... no written work required, just watch - but it will help you with the next 'HTML tags' assignment
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 8
Internet Addiction - Section 2.3.1
Internet Addiction
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 8
HTML - How it Works - Section 2.3.1
HTML tags
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 8
Read packet, discussion, ideas, journals
Computer Confluence Chapter 8
'Domain Names' - Section - The Internet 2.3.1
Domain Names
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 8
Mock Exams Practice 1
Mock Exams Practice 3
Computer Confluence Chapter 8
'Workplace Monitoring' - Section - The Internet 2.3.1
Workplace Monitoring
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 9
? Mock Exams ?
and take a look at this video relating to technology and business ... a 6-minute educational video on
the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) shows whole process of tracking merchandise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zj7txoDxbE
Mock Exams Practice 2
Computer Confluence Chapter 9
'Identity Theft' - Section - The Internet 2.3.1
Identity Theft
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 9
Project Work ... due at end of this week (EVERYTHING!)
Computer Confluence Chapter 9
'Internet Filters' - Section - The Internet 2.3.1
Internet Filters
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 9
'U.S. Patriot Act' - Section - The Internet 2.3.1
Protection of democracy or invasion of privacy?
U.S. Patriot Act
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - The Internet 2.3.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 9
'Mobile Communication Devices' - Personal and Public Communications 2.3.2
Describe 5 different types of mobile devices
Mobile Communication Devices
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Communication Systems - Personal and Public Communications 2.3.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 13
'Robots' - Integrated Systems - Section 2.4.1
Compare Robots and Humans
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Integrated Systems - Robotics 2.4.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 13
'Virtual Route' - Robotics - Section 2.4.1
Virtual Route
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Integrated Systems - Robotics 2.4.1
Computer Confluence Chapter 13
Mock Exam - Wednesday April 15th
and Thursday April 16th
Computer Confluence Chapter 13
'Turing Test' - Integrated Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems - Section
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Integrated Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2.4.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 15
'Fuzzy Logic' - Integrated Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems - Section
Fuzzy Logic
(I.T. Systems in a Social Context)
Integrated Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2.4.2
Computer Confluence Chapter 15
EXTRA - Drug Database ...
Review ...
Canadian Drug Database
(Not sure yet ... review possibly?)
Computer Confluence Chapter 15
- Paper 1 : Thursday May 14th - 1400 - 1500 hrs. - 1 hour
- Paper 2 : Friday May 15th - 900 - 1100 hrs. - 2 hours