World Wide Web Domains
1. The World Wide Web has changed the way many people use computers
connected to the Internet to communicate, find information, conduct business and seek entertainment. Web servers provide special
functions in formats that are easy to use and may host more than one domain. The growth and size of the World Wide Web are
shown in the two tables below.
Table 1 World Wide Web size by selected domains and associated
country populations. (The data is approximate as of February 1999 and has been rounded to the nearest thousand.)

(a) Using the data in these tables, compare the use of the World Wide Web by people living in
the countries with the largest populations and people living in the countries with the smallest populations. [3 marks]
(b) Explain the social reasons why some countries have many Web sites. [4 marks]
(c) Draw and label one graph showing the number of web sites for the period from June
1993 to January 1996 and the number of business (.com) sites for the same period. [2 marks]
(d) List four specific business activities that can be conducted using the World Wide
Web. [4 marks]
(e) Discuss three ethical considerations or social responsibilities of people providing
and maintaining a Web site. [7 marks]