The terms below describe methods of how scientists have attempted to teach or design machines
to learn.
Use to define the following:
- Agent - as it relates to artificial intelligence
- Parallel processing
- Pattern recognition
- Machine learning
- Inference rules - use
A situation in which fuzzy logic can be used is demonstrated at the following website.
Try both manual and fuzzy control of getting the load from the
ship to the dock. These controls can be selected by clicking on the buttons underneath the simulation of the ship and dock.

Explain which method causes the least sway (movement forwards and backwards) at the fastest speed of the box being
loaded/unloaded from the ship. (2 marks)
What kind of knowledge (linguistic variables) is needed here? Hint: have a look at the boxes and graph underneath the
simulation. (3 marks)
Explain the kind of inference rules might be used here? Hint: look at the text box. (2 marks)
Explain why fuzzy logic may be used for this situation. (3 marks)